How to Get Involved
If you have any ideas or would like more information on anything you have read on this site, please feel free to contact the Keswick Campaign via [email protected]
We have a generous Membership who often help out including at ‘Churches Together in Keswick’ Annual Fairtrade Service, in local Primary & Secondary School Assemblies & the Alhambra Cinema kindly donate time/space for a Fairtrade Advert before each Film..
The best action you can take as an individual or as a family is to ask for and buy Fairtrade and other fairly traded products wherever and whenever you can – in shops, cafés, restaurants, hotels and guest houses.
The best action you can take as a business is to supply Fairtrade and other fairly traded products to your staff, your guests and your customers.
As far as our campaign is concerned, we encourage you to become either a supporter or a member. Whichever you choose, you will receive regular updates on Fairtrade and on our activities and events. Being a member means making a small annual contribution to our funds, without which we could not campaign. Membership also entitles you to vote at our AGM.
We are founder members of Cumbria Fairtrade Network and attend their Spring and Autumn events.