26 Sep Keswick Agricultural Show 2019
Keswick Fair Trade Campaign were present at Keswick Agricultural show with a stand focussing on Fair Trade Chocolate. Bernadette Fagan had created a display to demonstrate how Fairtrade Chocolate and Cocoa can be used to make Christmas gifts and Tree Decorations.
Passers-by were invited to sample pieces of chocolate from the great variety of Fairtrade Chocolate available locally, including a selection donated by Lakes & Dales Coop. They were handed leaflets containing information about the growing insecurity cocoa farmers’ face, despite the demand worldwide for chocolate. The global price for coca has fluctuated widely in recent decades as a result of the increasing unpredictability of rainfall due to a changing climate. These weather changes have also brought the increased risk of disease and pests which can decimate crops.
Fairtrade continues to look for new ways to reach more cocoa farming communities and ensure more cocoa farmers get a fair deal, for example through working in partnerships as with Cadbury’s and Cocoa Life . By continually sharing expertise Fairtrade is enabling cocoa farmers to tackle the effects of climate change.
Bernadette Fagan commented, “Visitors young and old were interested to learn more about how Fairtrade is working to help more farmers. Successful farmers and thriving cocoa –growing communities are essential to bring you the chocolate you love.”